Thursday, April 29, 2010

Slovak professional genealogist

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Slovak professional genealogist - ancestry, family tree, relatives search, genealogy and heraldry
Genealogical research - compiling of ancestry, that final form depends solely on your choice. It may be provided in digital, electronic form and also in historicize form, created on a handmade paper, written in calligraphy. The exquisite ancestry on parchment may be offered for customers.
Heraldry – consultations, designs of family (civil) coat of arms, final creation of the coat of arms into either hand-painted or electronic images, making of three-dimensional artefacts with the coat of arms motives (relief pictures of the coat of arms).
Ancestral tours - I cooperate with travel agency "Dovolenka" (Holiday) and we can arrange for you sightseeing tours with guide to all the places you would like to visit and all the other things you would need as accommodation, transport from the airport etc. Also we can find people in Slovakia who are relatives of your travelers, if they have lost a contact with them, or even never knew about them.
Digital photographs, scanned pictures, copies, translations from foreign languages.

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